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Fight Pain

Okay Everyone!

I Finally finished my 40 Day Challenge! It is called the #FightPain 40 Day Challenge.

You use the tools and techniques given here at Soul Freedom.

This challenge is specifically designed for those who have experienced Trauma and want to gain control over their life again.

42 days ago, I had a miscarriage. I was only 14 weeks pregnant and was super excited to introduce this baby to his/her two older brothers! Christmas Eve was the night the miscarriage was complete. We spent the night at the Hospital while our two boys were in someone else's care.

This was extremely hard for us, and we shared many emotional moments after. This was my first miscarriage, and I had already received tools and created my business of Soul Freedom. So luckily i was able to remain in a state of Transformation. I took control of my life, and I ended out Better than i was, before the Miscarriage occurred. I want to share my tools and techniques with YOU and help YOU transform into a stronger, and wiser YOU.

Does that sound amazing?

If it doesnt, please keep reading.

I woke up from a dream in May of 2016, that explained to me HOW i was to help women. I was to help them ground and cope. Coming out of a state of depression and realize how much POWER we as women have over our own lives. I have experienced much myself. And i do not wish for anyone to have to experience what i have gone through. I was depressed and i didnt even realize it. I denied any acknowledgement of my depression and anxiety.

I witnessed my mother go through Post Trauma symptoms growing up, and i did not know how to help her, until i started to Listen to her. Then i was able to understand the kind of life she had to live, and with the kind of pain she had to deal with, for decades. I see her rising from the ashes, as a phoenix, she burns with passion to grow.

My mother is my role model, but it started, with recognition for her pain, and having that Desire to Grow.

Do you know where you are, and why you are there? Do you want to take control over your life, and do you feel like you don't know how?

Do you believe that I can help you?

If you don't, Please keep reading.

As Robert Frost once said: "Two Roads diverged in a wood, and i - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."

-The Road Not Taken

We need to realize that when Problems rise, we begin to disconnect from the world and from ourselves. When we choose to reconnect ourselves and our relationships, Miracles begin to happen.

The Chief Case of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most, for what you want now. -Zig Ziglar

I spent the last year in transformation, creating a program for YOU to help you. If i didnt feel confident in my program today, I would not be publishing it, and sending the message to you. I hope that when you have the Desire to upgrade your life, that you contact me and remember the name "Soul Freedom"

Let yourself be free from captivity of the world. Take control of your life and watch the numerous Miracles occur around you! Choose today, here and now. ARE YOU READY?

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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

© 2015 by Rizzie Mysliwiec - Life Coaching. Riz Photography RCM. 

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