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Mission Statement:

I have messy experiences in my life, that I consider valuable enough to share with a wide variety of audiences. Adults, children , partners, young adults, etc.. 
The lessons that i have learned, I want to give to others so that they don't have to go through the same steps i did. I want to create a ripple affect from the experiences i have had. 
I do not want to watch any longer, loved ones going downhill to the point of losing who they are inside. 
I know I will create a difference, and my top seven reasons, are 

1) Because I have knowledge and skills that some do not have.

2) I feel this purpose burning inside of me.

3) I have the experience needed.

4) I care about others and their happiness.

5) I want to bless those around me, and those around them.

6) I want to inspire change.


7) I have been called to do this. 


I know with every fiber in my body, that I will influence you in some way that you never would have expected. I have some knowledge that you need, and I know you want it. Whether you know it, or you don't, I want to give it to you. Are you ready to accept? Are you ready to improve your life and the life around you? 


I hope you are, because I am ready for YOU!


Youre friend and coach,

Rizzie Mysliwiec

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