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Staying Feminine in a Survival Scenario

There are disasters every day and in every way, these disasters change and shut down our true selves. As women we take the energy of how we feel in the disaster and channel that fear to hate and frustration. These feelings naturally come up in that time and we humans make it our identity, our survival mindset comes out and takes over. The interesting thing is, it is our creation mindset that would have allowed us to move forward and change the horrid situation quicker. With our healthy outlook we can properly take charge in these hard and troubling times. What happens is we as women step into a masculine energy when all along it is our feminine energy in the moment we need and what we want afterwards.  I have gathered an amazing team that with me have spent our lives learning from our own disasters and used that experience to create this amazing three-day seminar.
I provide an inspired three-day camp out that I will show, mentor and heal you through the process of disasters and teach you how to stay in the feminine energy. We allow woman from ages 12- and up (as young as you want to feel). We will take you to a place that you can be connected and raw all in the same place. We will be camping out together and growing together to prevent damage in the future disasters and heal from past ones.

      - Kamie Mysliwiec

        Time is Now Events


Click on the picture to sign up for this AWESOME event!





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