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Passion and Purpose

It's easy to choose your mood until the past comes up and physically stops you. When you have something you're dealing with from your past and you cant seem to think of anything else. and you start to assume the future will just stay in this racket cycle. You begin to question everything around you. But after however many times of going back to the same crappy situation, you begin to sit down and take it in the back and cry.

Maybe the person you usually talk to doesn't want to listen anymore. Maybe the person you feel like talking to, won't listen. Maybe the only person you are able to talk to doesn't have the desire to listen to you.

You beat yourself up, and you tear yourself down. You try your hardest to be great at something, but one small mistake and the whole world notices it. They blame you. So you stay hidden from the world, or maybe you feel the only way to make everyone accept you, is to be a better person!

Well, I have something to say to you, darling! Take my hand, let me help you up. Wipe off the dust from how long you have been sitting, get rid of those tears! Hold this candle, it burns bright. Why? you ask. Because darling, that is your soul, and its now speaking to you. It's time to listen. Hear what it's trying to tell you. You are who you are because of where you came from. Your past has given you Opportunities to become stronger than you have been. Feel your soul now. Can't you feel it burning with purpose?? Even if you don't know what that purpose is yet, you know it is right there inside of you! Close your eyes, and take a deeeeeeep breath in. and exhale.

What do you love to do? Or what do you Crave to do?! What is in your heart All the time that you just can't escape from? That's called Passion. That is your passion!

Listen closely to my words... I have said this many times before, i will say it now... "Your Passion will Lead you to your Purpose."

and Yes, your past is part of your purpose. Take everything that ever happened to you, good and bad. and find the success stories, find the stories that you learned some lesson. Your purpose is to use these lessons and successes and creating something beautiful with your passion, There. You have a purpose.

Take a deep breath, my darling. look around you. Where are you? Is your situation comfortable? Are you where you want to be? If not, understand that This place you are in right now, Is a story. It will soon be a part of your past, and You have a choice to make right now. Will this be a success story or a lesson learned?

Hold this candle, it burns bright. That is your soul, and its now speaking to you. IT'S TIME TO LISTEN!

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