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Action Steps for Self Development and Empowerment!

Hey everyone, So I have just come back from an awesome seminar and they gave us Tools that we can use to empower ourselves and develop a strong foundation for our minds! Do you want to learn some of these tools?!

I would Love to share some of them with you!


When you have a goal in mind, you want So badly to just reach up and grab it! That new car, that bigger house, that $10,000, etc...

But is that goal, just a picture on your vision board? Is it just something that you wrote down as a "Wish"? Are you drawing attention to it, and applying the law of attraction? Well just so you are now aware, The Law of attraction is just one tool you can use to get a goal. You need something more, Action Steps!

Action Steps are pretty much the most important component to reaching your goal!

When you take Action, you begin to notice Results! No action, produces No results!

Action Step #1

The First Action step i will give you to empower your identity, is for you to create an Accomplishment Letter. This step is similar to writing your experience on a Resume when you go to apply for a Job. However, the field of study requires you to base your experience on the job you are applying for. I want you to write down ALL of your accomplishments! Doesn't that sound a little Hard? Well yes, it does sound hard. Is it hard? No. You can write down three or four awards you have won in the past 6 years, but i want you to write down Everything that you succeeded at. You were born. You learned how to crawl at 6 months.

You learned how to walk at 11 months.

your first word was "hi"

you rode your first bike

You sang the ABCs.

You made 3 new friends in 6th grade

You passed your classes.

You fell in love

You got your license

You got a car

You got married

You went to college

You graduated

You Walked 3 miles

These are just SOME of the accomplishments that i am looking for. Obviously Your list will be different to a degree. But I want you to write down 100-150 things that you accomplished, or you did for the first time and when it took place. Write it all down in a notebook, and then as you go throughout this program, continue writing down more, new accomplishments! after the first several, you will begin to notice how easily these experiences will just flow out of you. Give it a try right now, and once you're done, come back and read the rest of this article, to get some of the next action steps i have provided for YOU!

Once you write down your Accomplishment letter, put it somewhere that you can see it, every morning and every night. This becomes your credibility book. You feel worth it, you will feel confident, you will feel motivated to do MORE!


Action Step #2

The second action step i want to introduce to you, is to Expose and release your Ideas! You have ideas inside of your head, and you may not realize how many you have! When you have chosen your goal, You have ideas on how to get that goal, So to put you into action, I will suggest this technique. First you take about 60 seconds, and ponder. Get into a quiet place, so you can think. And allow your thoughts to explode!

Start by writing down every Illegal, Immoral, and Unethical way to achieve your goal. The reason I do this, is to get rid of all the garbage first, so that the legal, moral, and ethical ideas will come out easier, than if you were to jumble it all together.

**No, you will not be using those illegal ideas to reach your goal. you will be writing it down to throw it away. And I am not coaching you to be Illegal, Immoral, and unethical. I am teaching you to release the negative (because i know we all have it in us), and to make room for positive, fresh, and amazing ideas to flow freely.** I want you to write down 100 ideas.

The first 50 should be the illegal ideas, and the ideas from 50-100 should be the moral and ethical ways.

So get writing!

This training will help you learn how to surf your brain like you surf the internet. It will become easier as you practice, and time moves forward.

Write your list of 100, and come back for the next action step!


Action Step #3

The third action step i want you to take, is to scan through the list you just made, and choose an idea (One that is legal, moral, and ethical). This is what you will roll with!

If you cant find one, close your eyes and point at the list, which ever idea your finger lands on, Use it!

Don't be afraid to move forward! If you don't like Any of the ideas on your list, then you are Not ready to move forward, and you are afraid of change! This feeling is normal, however, it is what you do with that feeling, that makes the outcome. You can either destroy your goal, create your goal, or you can do absolutely nothing with it, and stay in a state of limbo. Don't sit in a state of limbo.

We only have so many years left to live, and This is Your time to create the reality YOU want!

So once you have your Action step- or your idea, you now need to track your progress. I am here to help with this! Sign up for the "Bring it On, Introducing New Habits" Challenge and i can give you New and improved tools and techniques that HAVE been proven to work. I am excited to help you grow and learn, and excel in your life! Take accountability for your actions! I want No excuses. You either do it or you don't.

If you Sign up to work with me personally, you can even send me pictures of your progress, or recordings of your progress. And i can walk you through this process, so you will know how to do these steps your self.

Are you ready to Transform?

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