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Breaking the Walls to your Subconscious Mind

Is there something that you are Passionate about, that you just can't seem to grip onto? Or you just have that one reason why you have not started it yet?

Let's take a trip through your mind and really grasp onto that reason, and pull it out from the roots, so you can move swiftly and freely through your life.

Think Deeply about your passion.

What do you think about when you think of the word peace?

Do you think about the mountains, do you think of swimming, do you think of painting, do you think about putting your headphones in and listening to music? What comes to your mind First?

Have you tried to move forward with your passion yet?

And what stopped you? What was your reason?

Did it go along the lines with any of these examples? -I'm not good enough

-I don't have the money I need for this

-It won't even make a difference

-I don't have the details

-I don't deserve this

-I don't have time

-My kids take the bulk of my time and attention.

-My school takes the bulk of my time and attention.

-It's too much to juggle with the rest of my time

-I'm not smart enough

-No one will believe me

-They will all think i am stupid

-My heart won't let me

-It doesn't seem real

-My dream is too big

-I am afraid of Failure

-I have been betrayed before -What if they reject me

What i am going to do, is take you through a process of transformation, where you will Face this limiting belief that is stopping you from excelling, and you will learn the tools i use to squish that little bug on my shoulder, that is telling me I can't do it.


This will be an emotional process, Tears are acceptable here, and we will get down to the root, and through the tears and pain, we Rip that root out, and give room for Healthy, Strong roots to grow.


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